Schwob - Textile care Niederuzwil

Ardita Abdiji

Head of Operations

Employees:approx. 24 permanent employee
Laundry per year:2'200 tons
Founded:approx. 40 years ago

Environmental criteria
Heat recovery from condensation. In summer, all superfluous condensation is recaptured and used for heating the incoming water, i.e. laundry water. In the winter, it is used for heating the whole building.

Performance profile

  • Senkking P 36-16 Universal continuous batch washer, low-temperature setting, output of 30 min. wash cycle: 1,150 kg / hr (July 2008)
  • 3 DT 60 batch transfer drying tumblers and 1 DT 90 batch transfer drying tumbler with heat recovery and optimized drying process with infrared control
  • washing machine: 40 kg laundry / hr. (2012)
  • Kannegiesser ironer line with EMC feeding machine, HPM GRAND ironer and RFM 2008 folding machine
  • HPM ironer line for large items
  • towel folding machine (2008)
  • Towel folding machine also suitable for folding dressing gowns (2012)
  • Lapauw garment finisher, approx. 400 garments per hour (2013)


Schwob AG - Textile care
Hummelweg 6
CH-9244 Niederuzwil
Phone +41 71 955 70 90
Fax +41 71 951 94 54

Schwob Hygienekonzept